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    The Aquaculture Center serves a community of diverse students with a broad range of social, economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds who bring to the school a variety of skills, talents and learning styles. We offer students from school systems in the greater Bridgeport region the opportunity to enhance the traditional academic high school curriculum with a specialized emphasis on science and technology instruction as related to the development of aquaculture in the State of Connecticut.

    Mrs.Carla Ebmeyer is the recipient of the prestigious Theodore and Margaret Beard Excellence in Teaching Award!


    Mrs.Carla Ebmeyer was born and raised in the City of Bridgeport. She began her career in the clinical laboratory and transitioned to teaching with over 10 years of experience as a Hematology Technologist. In the classroom, Ms. Ebmeyer helps her students develop laboratory skills while also focusing on social-emotional learning and career awareness. Currently, Ms. Ebmeyer is teaching MLS 315, a medical laboratory science class at the University of Bridgeport, and Biotechnology, a skill-based laboratory course in molecular biology. She spent her teaching career at BRASTEC and was the 2024 recipient of the Margaret and Theodore Beard Excellence in Teaching Award.

    Aqua Spiritwear

     Please place your Aqua Spiritwear orders using this  link.

    Angie's Seafood market at Aqua

    We are open!

    On regular days, please email angiesaqua@bridgeportedu.net your order before 8 AM on Thursdays to guarantee you have the product you desire ready when you arrive.  

    When : 3- 6pm
    Where: Seafood Science classroom at Aquacu
    email: angiesaqua@bridgeportedu.net 


    Directions on setting up a Parent PowerSchool account will be sent home with the student at the beginning of the school year. If you need further assistance, please reach out to the main office at 203-275-2926. Here's the link to PowerSchool. Alternatively, you can also download the PowerSchool app(district code: WGGZ) to stay up-to-date on your child's progress.