Cesar Batalla School
606 Howard Ave, Bridgeport, CT. 06605
Phone: 203-579-8501

(Intersection of State Street & Howard Avenue)
Principal: Rev. Digna A. Marte
Assistant Principal: Ms. Ana Sousa-Martins; PK - 2
Assistant Principal: Dr. Betsy Sisson; 3-5
Assistant Principal: Mr. Michael Kennedy; 6-8
School Hours:
Full Day Schedule-School begins at 8:40 AM. Dismissal begins at 2:55 PM.
Half Day Schedule-Dismissal begins at 12:45 PM

Calling All 5th and 6th Grade Students for an Amazing Opportunity!

Congratulations Cesar Batalla
2022-2023 Superintendent's Quarterly Recognition
Staff Winner Marking Period 1: Ms. Bianca Rivera
Student Winner Marking Period 1: Aiden Vega
Staff Winner Marking Period 2: Ms. Raquel Castro
Student Winner Marking Period 2: Garaelle Lozama
Staff Winner Marking Period 3: Ms. Ramona Fabian
Student Winner Marking Period 3: Veronica Rodriguez
Staff Winner Marking Period 4: Mrs. Michelle Nelson
Student Winner Marking Period 4: Kelmar Flores
Cesar Batalla Summer Preschool Registration Form
Click the link below (Hacer clic en el siguiente enlace).
Cesar Batalla Summer Preschool Registration (jotform.com)

High quality resources for ALL learners and families are available anytime, anywhere!

Cesar Batalla School Store
and enter sale code: CESARBATALLA