Lighthouse After-School Program
Columbus School Lighthouse After-School Program runs daily from 3:25-5:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. We offer cultural, academic, social, and recreational activities for grades K-5. In addition, we have a special program for grades 6-8, the BYC (Bridgeport Youth Club) meeting at the same time. Both programs provide snack, homework help, science activities, sports, arts and crafts, games, cooking, and field trips.
To register your child/children, please bring a money order for $25 (registration fee) per child and proof of income, and come in between the hours of 3:25-5:30pm to fill out an application form. A monthly fee will be based on your income. For registration questions, please ask our school site coordinator, Ms. Neville.Click here for more information: www.Bridgeportct.gov/Lighthouse
REMINDER: All new and returning students should complete registration for each new school year before starting the program.
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