About The Bridgeport Public Schools
Our vision is to be a model urban school district that values and celebrates diversity and is renowned for its academic excellence and its support of the emotional well-being of the school community.
The mission of Bridgeport Public Schools is to inspire our diverse community to work together in order to serve our students. We will support the development of excellent leadership, and utilize our unique resources to challenge and cultivate well-balanced individuals who seek knowledge and make significant contributions to society throughout their lives.
The Bridgeport School District is the second largest school system in Connecticut, servicing approximately 21,000 students. It also ranks lowest among the Connecticut school districts on the economic scale.
There are 39 schools, consisting of 29 elementary, 7 (seven) high schools, the Bridgeport Learning Center (for special education services), a Career/Craftsmanship alternative school, and the inter-district Vocational Aquaculture School. The school system employs a staff of more than 3000, inclusive of Facilities, Security and Food Services personnel.