Image of Principal

Mrs. Dyrene Newton

  • Dear Hallen School Parents,

    I am pleased to welcome you to another year at Hallen School. I want to extend a special welcome to those attending Hallen School for the first time! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.

    As we begin this 2023-2024 school year, Hallen School's vision continues to state that in collaboration with all school community members, we consistently work to achieve academic excellance, celebrate and appreciate our students' diversity through the arts, promote a positive school climate, and maintain an emotionally, intellectually, socially, and physically safe environment for all students. Your support is critical to our success, and I will communicate ways to help your child and the school community. As the leader of Hallen School, I welcome all your suggestions supporting this wonderful institution. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to working with your child.

    Mrs. Newton
