Beardsley School
Beardsley Mission Statement
"Through a safe, nurturing and encouraging environment that fosters self-confidence, Beardsley School commits to delivering engaging, rigorous, high-quality instruction meeting the needs of our students. We build meaningful home/school relationships by understanding and valuing cultural differences and providing family support. We go above and beyond to prepare students to be successful citizens and community members."
Student Mission Statement
"I will come to school each day, ready to learn so that I may reach my full potential as a responsible partner in our ever-changing world"
PBIS Statements
I will be respectful
I will be responsible
I will be a problem solver
"Here at Beardsley School, yes we can, Si se puede."
Bullying Statement
- Speak up when I see bullying
- Reach out to others who are bullied
- Be a friend whenever I see bullying