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    Registration Procedures
  • School assignment will be determined by the Bridgeport Public School Directory and Street Guide. 

    All of the following are necessary to register a student in the Bridgeport Public Schools:

    1. a birth certificate and/or passport
    2. current medical records including recent physical and updated immunizations
    3. transfer papers and/or school records from previous school should be presented
    4. legal court documentation of guardianship is required, in the event a guardian or designee registers a child/children

    Proof of residency is required of all students registering in or transferring to any Bridgeport Public School.

    The following is the definition of residency for the purposes of this document.  "The student(s) live(s) full time with at least one parent or leagl guardian in a home in Bridgeport."

    In order to prove residency, the parent must provide at leaset two (2) of the following:

    1. current bills from two (2) different utility companies; or a letter from the utility company confirming hook-up or future hook-up of the registrant at that adress.  (A telephone bill is not acceptable as proof of residency of the parent or gaurdian.)
    2. cancelled checks to prove payment of rent for two (2) months
    3. a copy of the parent/gaurdian driver's license or Connecticut State I.D.
    4. a notarized letter from the homeowner indicating that the parent/guardian resides at the stated address if the child(ren) and parent/guardian reside with a non-related adult or family member
    5. current mortgage bank statement or homeowner's tax bill indicating that the parent/guardian resides at the stated adress if the child(ren) reside with a non-related family member.

    In the event that two or more of the above are not available, the child may be registered in school on a conditional basis if the parent/guardian can provide one of the items listed below.  After two (2) months, full proof of residency will be required of the parent/guardian:

    1. A contract from the rental of a residence in Bridgeport has been signed and occupancy will take place within approximentaly two (2) months from the time the student is enrolled.  A notorized statement from the landloard will be required in such situations.
    2. A contract to purchase a home in Bridgeport has been signed and the closing is scheduled within approximately two (2) months from the time the student is enrolled.  A notarized statement from a real estate firm or attorney will be required in such situations.
    3. The Bridgeport Housing Authority Project Manager will supply, in writing, proof, if any, of the registering persons residing in any housing managed by the Bridgeport Housing Authority.