Welcome to John Winthrop K-8 School
Winthrop School is a K-8 school located in the North End of Bridgeport, Connecticut. This city is the largest in the state with a population of 140,000 and a school population of more than 23,000.
Winthrop School was opened as an elementary school in 1955. A middle school wing was added in the late 1960’s.
John Winthrop Elementary School's first graduating class of 1955 - 1956
School History
John Winthrop School first opened its doors for the academic year 1955-56. The school is named for John Winthrop, Jr., the colonial governor of Connecticut. (1657 – 1676) His father, John Winthrop, Sr., had served as a colonial governor of Massachusetts. He was the first resident of North America to be invited to the Royal Society – a very important English intellectual society.
Born in Groton, England in 1605, John Winthrop Jr. studied medicine and law and came to Massachusetts in 1631. Winthrop proceeded to Connecticut in 1635. In 1662, he received a charter from King Charles II, which gave Connecticut the opportunity to elect its own officials. This charter was in effect until 1818.
In addition to practicing law and medicine, John Winthrop Jr. was also a merchant and farmer. Winthrop also published his scientific studies.