What time does school start?
Posted by:School begins at 8:50. Students are not to enter the building until that time. They are to line up in the back of the building at the designated spot for their class. Teachers begin supervision at 8:40 in their lines. Breakfast is offered in the classroom. There is to be no running or playing on the playground before school.
How much do breakfast and lunch cost?
Posted by:Breakfast and lunch are free to all Bridgeport elementary students. -
What are "Box tops for Education" and where can I find them?
Posted by:Please save "Box Tops for Education" labels from the end flaps of General Mills cereals, yogurt, granola bars, etc. For every box top brought to school, General Mills will donate 10c to our school for educational supplies and equipment.
Give box tops to your teacher. At the end of each month, the class with the most box tops will win a prize.
Click on attachment to see a list of products that carry the Box Tops for Education label.