• Welcome to Kindergarten!

  • I would like to takes this opportunity to welcome you to our class, introduce myself and offer you some information that you might find helpful.  My name is Mrs. Lanier and I am super excited to be your child's teacher this year in Kindergarten.  I look forward to working with you and your child.  Please take a couple of minutes to read the information below in its entirety, there is a lot of important information included in here for you.

    Breakfast/Lunch/Snack: Breakfast, lunch and snack are provided by the nutrition center.  If your child is a picky eater, you may send in a lunch.  Please make sure your child is aware that he/she has a lunch for that day. 

    School Uniform Policy: Bridgeport schools have a mandatory uniform policy.  Shirt or top must be plain with a collar-black, white, gold or yellow.  Pants, shorts, skorts, or jumper must be navy blue or tan (no jeans).

    Homework Folders: Every child will receive a homework folder.  This folder should be checked everyday for important notices and homework.  Please clean out the folder daily and send back completed homework to school.  Included in this folder is a behavior calendar.  The behavior calendar stays in the folder for the enitre month.  I will report to you daily how your child is behaving in school.  In addition to daily homework, your child will keep a monthy reading log.  It is located on the back of the behavior calendar.  Simply record the books you and your child have read together.  On the last day of the month, I will collect the logs.  Your child will be recognized with a special prize for completing the reading log and returning it to school on time. 

    Arrival and Dismissal: Students will be picked up outside by the James and Chestnut Street playground door at 8:40 and dismissed at 3:10.  On early dismissal days students will be dismissed at 12:50.

    Attendance: Students are expected to be in school everyday unless they are ill or have a family emergency.  If your child will not be in school, please contact the office before 9:00 a.m.  When your child returns to school, please send a note with the reason your child was absent.  Awards are given for perfect attendance.

    Contact information: Please fill out the contact information sheet in your child's folder and return it to school the next day.  VERY IMPORTANT!!!! If any of your contact numbers change or are not in service, please notify me immediately.  It is imperitive that I am able to contact you in case of an emergency. 

    Questions/Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at any time.  I check my email daily or you can reach me by phone.  (203)-275-2500 or (203)-275-2505.  rlanier@bridgeportedu.net

    My goal for the year is to give your child a wonderful Kindergarten experience and create a love for learning that wil last a lifetime! Together we can make this happen!