• GOOGLE FOLDER WITH ALL OF OUR RESOURCES: http://bit.ly/C4Dundocuresources
    Institutional Aid Information: We know there are a lot of questions surrounding institutional aid and this pot of money students are now eligible for. There will be a webinar about it that we will be announcing soon but here are some resources you can use right now!
    College Access Information: Here is our Google Folder - It contains information about different colleges in CT and what they offer undocumented students, our scholarship list, and much more information. 
    Legal Information: Here is information about legal resourcesIt has information for students that have questions about their status, how to change their status, or have questions about detention and deportation: 
    Training, Meeting with Students, Presentations: We are happy to come to your school and do a training for staff, meet with a group of students, or do a presentation. If you are interested in having any of these things happen at your school, fill out the forms below: