• Our mathematics curriculum is aligned with State's Common Core Math Standards, which can be found at the state website @ . A grade level overview is shared with parents during Open House in September. Our core curriculum is rigorous and focused on developing key mathematical concepts and skills as described in the state standards and curriculum documents.

    To be mathematically literate, one must understand major mathematics concepts, possess computational facility and have the ability to apply these understandings to situations in daily life. Making connections between mathematics and other disciplines is a key to the appropriate application of mathematics skills and concepts to solve problems.

    Through our instruction we emphasize students to read and write within the discipline of mathematics in order to integrate skills that support mathematical understanding, reasoning and communication. Mathematically literate people are able to make informed decisions about the world around them and have the interest and confidence to meet an increasingly quantitative, data-rich global society.

    Elementary Expectations:

    1. We ensure adequate daily instructional time for mathematics.

    2. We provide a learning environment and experiences rich in resources and materials that support development of mathematical literacy.

    3. We maintain class sizes to support instructional excellence.

    4. We provide students developmentally appropriate opportunities to question, explore, observe, synthesize and draw conclusions based on their mathematics understanding.

    5. We provide students opportunities to develop literacy skills and read varied, culturally responsive fiction and nonfiction texts in the mathematics classroom.

    6. We ensure the integration of numeracy instruction within the context of students' learning experiences in other disciplines.

    7. We provide, teachers and staff members' opportunities to use scientifically based methods to gather and use information about developing students' understanding of mathematics.

    8. We provide supplemental and intensive mathematics intervention and enrichment based on individual students' learning needs.

    9. We engage students in mathematics competitions and enrichment activities.

    10. We support families and the community as partners to develop mathematical literacy.


    Family and Community Responsibilities:

    1. Work with teachers and schools as partners to develop mathematical literacy. Practice basic facts with your child to promote automaticity.

    2. Engage children in mathematical activities related to daily routines such as counting, measurement, observing patterns and dealing with money. Relate what they are learning to daily life.

    3. Provide for students opportunities to apply mathematics concepts and skills and participate in activities that foster the growth of productive and mathematically literate members of society.


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