


    BOE Policies and Procedures




    It is the policy of the Board of Education to ensure that all students comply with the homework requirements imposed by the school in which the child is enrolled. It is also the policy of the Board of Education that any imposition of homework should be related to the curriculum goals and standards recognized as appropriate for the student's grade.

    Daily time allocations recommended for homework should average at least:

    Grades 1 – 2 15 – 20 minutes

    Grades 3 – 4 60 Minutes

    Grades 5 – 6 60 Minutes

    Grades 7 – 8 60 Minutes

    Grades 9 – 12 120 Minutes (30 minutes per academic area)

    Time required for assignments should be reasonable, with teachers taking into consideration that areas other than theirs also demand homework.

    Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes §10-221(b)


    Parent Conferences

    Parents of students in grades K-12 shall be kept aware of their children's progress in school by the use of report cards, and by means of scheduled parent conferences.

    In addition, conferences with parents regarding retention of their child shall be considered essential.

    Parents are encouraged to visit the schools. The classroom teacher shall be informed as to the day and time of visits so as to avoid any conflicts with the school schedule.




    Regular and punctual student attendance in school is essential to the educational process. Connecticut state law places responsibility for assuring that students attend school with the parent or other person having control of the child. To assist parents and other persons in meeting this responsibility, the Board of Education, through its

    Superintendent, will adopt and maintain procedures to implement this policy.

    Legal References: Connecticut General Statues § 10-220

    Connecticut General Statues §10-184

    Connecticut General Statues §10-198a


    Administrative Regulations Regarding Attendance


    1. "Student" - a student enrolled in the Bridgeport Public Schools.

    2. "Unexcused absence" - any absence from a regularly scheduled school day, which absence is not an excused absence.

    3. "Excused absence" - an absence from a regularly scheduled school day which, as determined by the building principal [or his/her designee], is for:

    a. Reasons of health, including illness, incapacity, or doctor's visits. The administration reserves the right to require physician or other appropriate certification for absences in excess of five (5) consecutive days or of a total of fifteen (15) days in any school year.

    b. Religious holidays.

    c. Court appearance.

    d. Funeral or death in the family.

    e. Approved school activities, including field trips.

    f. Suspension or expulsion.

    g. Special activities or emergencies with the consent of the parent or other person having control of the child in limited circumstances.

    An excused absence requires written notification from the

    parent/guardian explaining the absence.

    Request for Early Dismissal

    Request for release of a student during the school day originating outside the schools must be handled by the administration to ensure maximum provisions for the safety and welfare of the student. A student must be present for a minimum of 50% of the school day

    in order to be considered in attendance for the day.

    Parents/guardian requesting dismissal before the normal end of the school day must make a written request, come into the school office to pick the student up and sign the student out.

    Early dismissal should be requested only in emergency or unusual situations.

    Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statues

    10-184 Duties of parents

    10-199 through 10-202 Attendance, truancy in general.

    10-202e-f on dropout prevention and grant program

    10-221(b) Board of education to prescribe rules.

    Campbell v New Milford, 193 CT 93 (1984)


    School Uniform Policy

    a.) Statement of Policy

    It is the policy of the Bridgeport Board of Education to regulate the attire of students during the school day. All students in grades PK-8 beginning with the 2009-2010 school year for the Bridgeport Public schools will wear mandatory uniforms. School uniforms  policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment.

    b.) Parental Responsibility

    It is the responsibility of parent/legal guardian to ensure that their child/children dress in compliance with the requirements of this policy.

    c.) Staff Responsibility

    School personnel, including substitutes, should serve as role models for proper attire in the educational setting. School personnel should ensure that all students adhere to the School Uniform Policy.


    Mandatory School Uniform for Bridgeport School Students, Grades PK-8

    PANTS –Tan dress or [Dockers] trouser style pants must be worn with a belt at the waist. Jeans are prohibited.

    SKIRTS, JUMPERS OR SKORTS –Tan must be worn and must be knee level or longer. Blouse or polo shirts must be worn under the jumper. Jeans are prohibited.

    SHORTS –Tan knee length dress or [Dockers] trouser style shorts. Shorts must be worn with a belt at the waist. Jeans are prohibited.

    SHIRTS – White, hunter green or royal blue plain collar polo shirt, dress shirt, long or short sleeve. Shirts must be tucked into



    Only [uniform] pullover or cardigan sweaters in the solid colors of Navy or Tan (no

    patterns) without hoods or decorations or wording will be allowed. Individual schools may

    choose an additional authorized color for sweaters, vest and blazers.

    SHOES OR SNEAKERS – Shoes are strongly recommended. In addition to shoes, white and black sneakers are permitted. Laces on shoes or sneakers must be tied.

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION DAY ATTIRE- Students may wear sweats to school on scheduled physical education day only. School approved t-shirts and shorts permitted. Physical Education attire colors will be chosen by individual schools SLT.

    Clothing Assistance

    It is the policy of the Board of Education that no student will be denied an education due to bona fide financial inability to obtain clothing that complies with the Board’s Attire Policy. Any student, for whom compliance with the school attire policy poses a bona fide financial burden, may submit a written request for clothing assistance to their school principal specifying the clothing needed together with a statement of financial need. The Superintendent will provide principals with standardized forms to be completed by parent/legal guardian seeking clothing assistance. School principals or their designees will

    assist families in financial need to obtain clothing that complies with the school attire policy. In meeting requests for assistance, principals or their designees will consider community resources such as clothing or financial donations from corporations, members of the community, local businesses, parent organizations, and charitable organizations;

    clothing discounts from local merchants; and providing additional time for a student to obtain clothing that complies with the School Attire Policy.

    Legal Reference: This policy is authorized by Section 10-221f of the General Statutes of Connecticut, which provides in salient part that: “[a] local or regional board of education may specify a school uniform for students under its jurisdiction.”


    Student Medical Care at School

    School personnel are responsible for the immediate care necessary for a pupil whose sickness or injury occurs on the school premises during school hours or in school-sponsored and supervised activities.

    Schools shall maintain files of Emergency Information cards for each student. If a child's injury requires immediate care, the parent/guardian will be called by telephone or other means of communications by the nurse, the building principal, or other personnel designated by the principal, and advised of the student’s condition. When immediate medical or dental attention is indicated, and when parents/guardians cannot be reached, the student will be transported to the nearest hospital unless otherwise indicated on the

    student's Emergency Information card. In this event, the family physician/dentist and school district medical advisor will be notified of school district actions.


    General Policies On Administration of Medications

    1. No medication, including non-prescription drugs, may be administered by any school

    personnel without:

    a. the written medication order of an authorized prescriber; and,

    b. the written authorization of the student's parent or guardian.

    2. Prescribed medications shall be administered to and taken by only the person for whom the prescription has been written.

    3. Medications may be administered only by a licensed nurse; or, in the absence of a licensed nurse:

    a. in the case of oral, topical, or inhalant medications, a principal or a teacher who has been properly trained to administer such medications to students;

    b. in the case of injectable medications, a principal or a teacher, but only when a student suffers a medically diagnosed allergic condition which may require prompt treatment to protect the student against serious harm or death; or

    c. students who are able to self administer medication, provided;

    i. an authorized prescriber provides a written order for such self administration;

    ii. there is a written authorization from the student's parent or guardian;

    iii. the school nurse has evaluated the situation and deemed it safe and appropriate, has documented this in the student's cumulative health record, and has developed a plan for general supervision;

    iv. the principal and appropriate teachers are informed the student is self administering prescribed medication;

    v. such medication is transported to school and maintained under the student's control in accordance with this policy.




    School Foods and Beverage Component:

    All Bridgeport school breakfast, lunch and snack food and beverage selections will comply with the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the State of Connecticut Child Nutrition Regulations. Bridgeport Food & Nutrition Services will strive to offer the students a diversified menu reflecting the cultural and ethnic food preferences of the Bridgeport Community.

    Bridgeport Food & Nutrition Services menus will strive to offer healthy nutritious and appealing food selections that meet the student’s health and nutritional needs.

    School Meals

    All school meals will offer a variety of fruits and vegetables and 100% fruit juices. Whenever possible, students will be offered locally grown, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Only Low-Fat milk products will be served with school meals.

    Whole grain bread products will be served periodical in the school meals.

    Breakfast will be offered in the classroom in each school at the start of the school day.

    School Meals shall be planned to incorporate the basic menu concepts of balance, variety, contrast, color and eye appeal.


    Policy Recommendation for Other Foods and Beverages

    All a la carte selections offered in the high school snack kiosks will reflect healthy snacks and beverages that have been selected and listed by the Snacks Meeting Connecticut’s Healthy Snack Standards published by the State of Connecticut Child Nutrition Offices.

    All beverages, except water, will have portion sizes of no larger those 12 ounces.

    Students will be offered single-serving portion size or portions.

    Snacks made of whole grains and food-containing fiber will be offered.

    All beverages and foods sold in school vending machines or school stores or school sponsored stores or school sponsored events during the school day shall follow the State of Connecticut general statutes.

    School Fund Raising Activities are encouraged to use non-food and beverage items or foods and beverages that meet the Connecticut’s Healthy Snack Standards.

    It is encouraged that classroom and school celebration snacks be selected from Connecticut’s Healthy Snack Standards.


    Activities to Promote Student Wellness

    The cafeteria staff will strive to maintain a pleasant dining environment for all students.

    Schools are encouraged to permit all full day students a daily lunch period of not less than (20) twenty minutes.

    A Qualified Food Operator (QFO) shall be assigned to each school cafeteria as required by state health regulations.

    Food & Nutrition Services shall comply with the state and local food safety and sanitation regulations.

    Bridgeport schools will continue to participate in the Provision II universal meal program offering every student breakfast, lunch and snack at no cost.

    Schools in which Summer School is conducted shall sponsor the Summer Feeding Program.


    Communication of Wellness

    Students shall receive positive, motivational messages, both verbal and nonverbal about healthy eating and physical activity throughout the school environment.

    Families are encouraged to support and promote healthy eating and physical activity at home.

    Schools shall partner with community organizations to provide ongoing health messages to students, parents and faculty.

    • Monthly school menus will include nutritional information on a range of topics.


    Social and Emotional Wellness

    Mental Health counseling services shall be available for all students.

    Confidential Employee Assistance Programs will be available to all employees. Confidential screening for stress, depression and other mental health conditions shall be available to all students.


    Physical Activity Component

    All schools will provide all full day students in grades kindergarten to six grade a 30-minute period of physical exercise each week.

    All schools will provide all full day students in grades seventh and eighth a 40-minute period of physical education twice a week.

    All elementary school students are encourage to participate in at least 20 minutes a day of supervised recess, preferably outdoors. This period shall not be viewed as a reward or punishment.

    Supervising adults will encourage students to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity during recess. Supervising adults shall strive to monitor student’s activates in the playground to encourage individual student physical activity.

    The school is encouraged to provide the space, equipment and an environment that is conducive to safe and enjoyable activity.

    The schools will discourage extended periods of inactivity (periods of three or more hours.) Schools are encouraged to provide students periodic breaks during which they are encouraged to get up from their chairs and be moderately active.

    It is recommended that children 5 to 12 years of age have 60 minutes of daily physical activity, especially during daytime hours.

    The District shall strive to offer a range of activities that meet the needs, interests and abilities of all students, including boys, girls and students with physical and cognitive disabilities and students with special health care needs.


    School Based Activities

    Extracurricular physical activity programs shall be encouraged at the middle school level.

    After school and enrichment programs shall encourage a daily period of moderate to vigorous physical activity for all after school participants.

    Classrooms shall complement physical education by reinforcing the knowledge and self-management skills needed to maintain a physically active lifestyle.

    Health education shall encourage students to reduce time spent on sedentary activities, such as watching television or playing video games.

    Schools will encourage students to participate in physical education classes.

    The Bridgeport school district will adhere to the Connecticut Physical Fitness Education Framework.

    The District will strive to assign only a certified Physical Education teacher for physical education instruction.

    The District will strive to maintain an adequate teacher/student ratio in all physical education classes.

    The district will promote lifelong physical activity.

    The District will strive to provide professional development for physical education teachers.


    Physical Activity Procedures All schools will strive to offer all full day students in kindergarten to fifth grade a recess period daily rain or shine. The Administrators will strive to schedule the recess period in the school day for 20 minutes. It is encouraged that students have their recess period prior to their scheduled lunch wave. Studies indicate that physical activity prior to lunch can increase the nutrient intake and reduce food waste. The District will encourage an exercise activity, such as stretching, for students who have remained indoors for extended periods of time. This exercise is particularly important on district testing days. Students need to stretch their bodies as well as their minds on these days.