
    Welcome to Kindergarten I am known to the children as Mr. H. Others know me as Mr. Andrew Hughart. I have been enjoying teaching  for 20+ years in a few different settings. I have been at High Horizons for 21 years. It is a daily amazement to me to watch children make new discoveries. We have an exciting and active time. The children will be expanding their reading and writing skills through the year.All will author a book by the year as well.  I expect you to read to and with your child daily.We have a lending library and a Gold Medal Reading program to encourage you and keep track of your reading. The child who is well supported, encouraged and read to daily is most apt to reach goals. We look forward to working with you to help your child grow!I will be using Classdojo to monitor behaviors and maintain communication with home. We can use Classdojo to message individually as well as the entire class.Any emergency communication should be via notes or calls to the office. I can not read and respond to messages during the day. I encourage you to sign up. Please also feel free to email me or contact me thought the school office. 

  • Gold Medal Reading program

    The program encourages parents to read to their children. After a book has been read, record the title on the monthly reading log. Keep the reading log in the back of the "Yellow folder". Please include any and all books you read. Even of you read them repeatedly.

    This year the program ends in May, 2019. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded according to the following criteria:

      Gold: 250 books

      Silver: 200 books

      Bronze:  175 books

    We will provide a Reading Log monthly log. However, I will accept Homemade logs.I want the kids to read or be read to.

  • Homework:

    There will be homework daily, Monday through Thursday. I would expect reading to occur ecery day. (Weekends too!!)