My name is Amanda Marshall and I am the school counselor here for all of our students. My responsibilites include meeting with students in need whether it be academic, behavioal or social/emotional, Implimenting and monitoring Restortative Practices and Social/Emotional Learning, coordinating and forming 504 plans, delivering developmental guidance in the classrooms, helping 8th grade students with high school applications, monitoring attendance and other school related data and facilitating SRBI. I can be reached directly at 203-275-4557 or amarshall1@bridgeportedu.net
High School applications are due-CT tech schools, Aquaculture and Trumbull Agriscience are paper apps that I should have by now. Central Magent was a 1 page sheet that I should have. FCW & BMA are online lotteries that are open now through the begining of January. Global Studies (at Brien McMahon), AITE, all the New Haven Magnets and RCA are online applications. Private schools are to be contacted directly by you.
It's High School application season but after that I will start to work with the 6th-8th grade students on creating their Student Success Plans and going into the younger grades to do developmental guidancee lessons. I will be taking on an intern 2 days a week begining in late January and she will be able to help me get more lessons done. Our whole staff is being trained in Restorative Practices as well so we will be doing a lot of work with that in the coming months.
High School Info
HS presentation for 7th and 8th grader students and families.