Stay Healthy...

  • Get rid of those germs!! Wash your hands for 20 seconds!! Sing Happy Birthday twice!

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Guidelines for Childhood Illness **IMPORTANT**

  • The following guidelines are to help us provide a healthy environment for our children in school. 


    Please keep your child home when he/she has: 

    • Cold symptoms with fever, malaise, cough, discolored nasal drainage 
    • Diarrhea and /or vomiting  
    • Eye drainage (profuse and/or thick) 
    • Fever (for any reason)  
    • Rash (undiagnosed-not seen by M.D.)  
    • Sore throat (if culture, until 24 hrs. Results is back and negative) 
    • Sore throat with positive culture-24 hrs. after antibiotics started  
    • When a child feels too sick to take part in the school day.  


    Your child may return to school when: 

    • Temperature is normal for 24 hrs. after stopping acetaminophen or Ibuprofen 
    • Diarrhea and/or vomiting has stopped for 24 hrs. 
    • Students who have been sent home with vomiting/diarrhea should stay home the next day. 
    • Rash has been seen by M.D. (must bring a note to school nurse)  


    Children are generally non-infectious: 

    • 24 hrs. after starting antibiotics 
    • After all chickenpox lesions are scabbed (usually 1 week)  
    • 1 week after the onset of any communicable disease 


    Please Note:  

    • Children unable to participate in PE class and/or recess because of injury (wearing cast, splint, or using crutches) or illness, must bring a note to the nurse from the child’s M.D. indicating restriction and the duration of restrictions. 
    • Children who have been treated for an injury, have had surgery, or have been hospitalized even overnight must bring a note to the nurse from the child’s M.D. stating they may return to school and indicating any restrictions. 
    • COVID specific information/guidelines-please contact your Nurse Jodi at 203-275-4588.