TYPE II DISCIPLINARY OFFENSES 1. Fighting. 2. Intentionally defying a valid request of a school staff member. 3. Intentionally threatening another person with physical injury or property damage. 4. Forcing other persons to engage in conduct that they have a legal right to refuse to do. 5. Disrupting the educational process in an area larger than a classroom. 6. Harassing conduct, including physical, written or verbal conduct, directed at a person because of his/her sex, race, ethnicity or sexual preference. 7. Stealing, damaging or defacing school property or the property of others. 8. Violating emergency evacuation regulations. 9. Recklessly driving on school property, in parking lots, or in areas directly adjacent to a school. 10. Being found with any type of paraphernalia normally associated with the use of drugs, e.g., tobacco, rolling papers, bongs, clips, pipes, and needles. 11. Leaving school building or grounds without prope.r permission. 12. Engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior. 13. Possessing, using, or being under the influence of any controlled drug, hallucinogenic substance, barbiturate, amphetamine, marijuana, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant. 14. Possessing or using a remotely - activated paging device or cellular telephone while in school or while attending any school sponsored function on or off school property. 15. Smoking on school grounds/school buses. PENALTIES FOR TYPE II DISCIPLINARY OFFENSES 1. The student will be removed from class if the offense took place during class. 2. The principal win request a conference with the student and parent. 3. The student will repair, restore, or provide restitution for any damaged or stolen property where appropriate. 4. The principal may deprive the student of school privileges for a period not to exceed five school days. 5. The principal may require the student's attendance before or after the regular school day not to exceed one hour per day for five school days. 6. The principal may refer the student to law enforcement officials, the school security staff, the in-school program, and/or the community counseling program. 7. The principal may suspend the student or, in the event of repeated, aggravated, or flagrant offenses, may recommend the student for expulsion. Students who engage in. such offenses may be expelled by the Board of Education or its Hearing Officer 8. In the case of possession of drugs, the principal may recommend interventions as outlined in the Bridgeport Public Schools, Code of Discipline Staff Manual. Recommendations may include disciplinary actions and/or referral to support services.