OFF-SCHOOLPROPERTY MISCONDUCT Students are subject to discipline, up to and including suspension and expulsion for misconduct of the types set forth in the Handbook's "DISCIPLINARY OFFENSES," even if such misconduct occurs off school property and during non-school time as outlined below. Such discipline shall result when: 1. The incident was initiated in the school or on school grounds, or occurred during a school sponsored activity or while waiting or receiving transportation. 2. The incident occurred or was initiated off school grounds and non-school time; if the misconduct is seriously disruptive of the educational process in that it markedly interrupts or severelS impacts the day-to-day operation at the school. 3. The student used or possessed a firearm or used a deadly or dangerous weapon in committing a crime off school property. 4. The student offered for sale or distributed to another person any illegal drug off school property. In making a determination as to whether the off school conduct is seriously disruptive of the educational process, the Board or its Hearing Officer may consider: a. The proximity to the school; b. Tnvolvement of other students or gangs; c. The use of violence or weapons, and any injuries; d. Involvement of alcohol; e. Any other relevant factors.