DISCIPLINARY OFFENSES Disciplinary offenses for the purposes of the Bridgeport Public Schools Code of Discipline include acts committed: 1. On school grounds. 2. During or shortly before or shortly after regular school hours. 3. During a school-sponsored activity on or off school grounds. 4. While awaiting transportation or traveling on a school bus or other forms of school provided transportation enroute to or from school or a school-sponsored activity. 5. Off school grounds at any time, whether or not the incident was initiated in the school or on school grounds, if such conduct is violative of publicized policy of the Board of Education and seriously disruptive of the educational process. The disciplinary offenses listed in this Code do not address every situation, and students will be disciplined for any conduct on school grounds or during school sponsored activities which is seriously disruptive to the educational process or endangers persons or property. Intent, frequency and severity of the violation are factors that determine the categorization of the offenses as Type I, II, or III. School administrators or hearing officers may consider the student's past disciplinary problems in determining the length of any suspensions or expulsion. Disciplinary procedures will be initiated in the school the student is enrolled.