District Property/Equipment Procedures

  • All District IT property/equipment must be returned before students/faculty and staff leaves for the summer. This is different than in years past because we are going to go out to the schools to address and remediate equipment in their entirety becaause of Cyber-Attack earlier this year.

    District IT Property/Equipment Procedures:

    • Equipment may not be taken out of the District unless it has a barcode and a District On-Loan Form has been filed by the user.
    • Equipment may be kept by staff/faculty over the summer if a District Equipment On-Loan Form has been filled out and e-mailed to propertyforms@bridgeportedu.net
    • Please provide your phone number on the Equipment On-Loan Form so we may contact you and schedule to retrieve the device to re-image it over the summer, this is mandatory.


    District Property On-Loan Form