Art Room Procedures/7th and 8th grades
The students sign the following art contract each year.
Dear Student,
I am looking forward to another school year and welcome you to the art program.
To insure a successful learning process, it is important that some simple procedures be followed in art class.
1. Please come prepared to do class work. This means you are ready to work the moment you enter the classroom.
2. Arrive to class on time. This means if the art room door is closed you are late and must get a pass from the classs before art. ( Not the office)
3. When you enter the art room all books and backpacks are to be put in the back of the room.
4.All students sit in assigned seats
You are not allowed to walk around the room! Use your art time wisely to complete assignments. You may get out of your seat to get materials.
5. All assigned work must be completed. This means all art work is done during art class time. When class time is missed-student must make-up work during lunch time. The times are listed in the art room.
6. All assignments when completed must be put in your personal art portfolio.This is where all completed work is kept and will be graded by the art teacher.
7. Students in the 7th and 8th grade will be given a test each marking period. Notes are taken in class. Students may also recieve some homework assignments.
8. Proper behavior is essential for successful learning. This includes remaining in one's seat unless otherwise instructed.
9. Please try to be polite and respectful.
10. Every student needs to help with clean-up at their table.
11. Art involves the use of many materials. Therefore work must stop at least 5 minutes before the class ends so that the work area can be cleaned.
I have read the art room rules.
Signature: ____________ Date:______
The no's of the art room:
No gum, no candy, no food, no hats, no backpacks, no jackets and no coats.