EMERGENCY INFORMATION On the information form please be sure to inform the school of any changes in home telephone numbers and emergency numbers as they occur during the year.
Your child's daily attendance at school is critical to his/her academic achievement. Unless ill, send your child daily to school. IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT, CONTACT THE SCHOOL BY 9:30 A.M. WITH THE REASON FOR THE ABSENCE. PLEASE PROVIDE A NOTE TO THE TEACHER EXPLAINING THE ABSENCE ON THE DAY YOUR CHILD RETURNS. Without a note or contact from the parent/guardian, the absence will be considered UNEXCUSED. Attendance Hot Line: 203-337-2366
Kindergarten - 8th Grade 8:35 am to 2:55 pm (full day)
Full Day Kindergarten - 8th Grade 8:35 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.
It goes without saying that children are expected to demonstrate good behavior at all times while in school. It is understood that students will be courteous and respectful to all school staff and to each other. Additionally, it is important that children recognize the value of school property and take care not to damage it.
Parents will be contacted regarding any disciplinary action concerning their child. Please stress this point clearly to your child.
For more serious offenses, a child may be suspended from school. In the event of suspension, the child must be accompanied by a parent upon returning to school from a suspension.
All students will receive a Student Emergency Form on the first day of school. Please complete the form promptly and return it to school. It is imperative that we are able to contact you, a relative or a friend/neighbor in the event of an emergency. Please provide work and cell numbers as well. If your child has any medical condition about which the school should be aware, please indicate it on this form.
All students will be dismissed at 2:55 p.m. Unless it is absolutely necessary, please do not pick up your child early. Please make appointments after school hours whenever possible.
There is a very strict policy regarding the administration of medication in school.
Your child will be receiving homework. Homework is designed to reinforce the skills that have been taught during the day at school. Try to set aside a designated time and place each day for homework to be completed. Please monitor your child's homework and see that it is completed each night.
A great deal of productive time is lost when children are not prepared for school. Please remind your child to be prepared each day. This means bringing books, notebooks, homework assignments, pencils, pens and other school items daily.
These are busy times for all of us. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that the education of our children should be the greatest priority in our lives. Talk to your children about school. Ask them "what they learned today" and don't accept "NOTHING". This is never the case.
A key to your child's success lies in showing you have an interest in his/her education. We encourage you to volunteer your time here at Multicultural Magnet School. If you are interested in volunteering, in any capacity, please contact the school at 275-4601 Contact: Sue Vilanova.
- School Uniform Colors
Pants: Navy or tan dress pants; must be worn with a belt at the waist.
Skirts, jumpers or skorts: Navy or tan wore at knee length or longer.
Shorts: Navy or tan knee-length dress trouser-style shorts (must be worn with a belt).
Shoes or sneakers: Sneakers must be white or black. Laces must be tied.
Shirts: Plain white or blue collared polo shirt or dress shirt (long or short sleeves); must be tucked into pants.
Physical Education Day Attire: Students may wear plain white or blue t-shirt or sweatshirt and grey or blue shorts or sweatpants.
The regular uniform may be worn (must wear white or black sneakers).
Grade 6, 7 and 8 students wear their regular uniform during the day and change for gym.
Also, spirit wear is sold once or twice a year by Mrs. Vilanova
Please download the following file. It is a pre-printed note to teachers stating different scenerios pertaining to your child. ie. reasons for being absent, early dismissal, not taking the bus home, etc.
Por favor emprima este documento. Es una nota para los maestros especificando dististas situaciones sobre sus ninos. Por ejemplo; razones porque faltaron a la escuela, si tienen que salir temprano de la escuela, si no tienen que tomar el autobus, etc.