Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to Room 103, the World of Math Exploration! I’m excited about the opportunity to getting to know you, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. I hope you had a restful summer and are ready to work hard and work together to make this year better than ever!
With the increased standards of student achievement requirements from the State of Connecticut, I need to ask for your help up front. I intend to develop a working relationship with each child and family. If for any reason, positive or negative, please feel free to call, write a note, stop by Multicultural Magnet, or email me. If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to visit our classroom, schedule a conference, or volunteer to help out, you can contact me at (203) 576-7505. The best way to reach me is by email. My email address is: dbagwell@bridgeportedu.net
In my opinion, open communication between the home and school is the key to success for young adults of today. We must focus on meeting their educational needs and set high expectations for achievement in an enriching, positive atmosphere at school and home.
Once again, welcome to Room 103, where math exploration takes place. Let’s work together to make this the best year ever!
Ms. Dawn G. Bagwell