• Bridgeport Public Schools

     The Bridgeport Public Schools
    Memo October 2, 2020

    Hello BPS,


    As we end the first month of school, I would like to share some of what we have learned since the re-opening of our schools on September 8, 2020. The positive cases of COVID-19 which have been reported have not been attributable to transmission within the schools. Contact tracing has indicated that the individuals who tested positive had come in contact with someone who had been identified as COVID-19 positive outside of school, in a social setting. After speaking with other local superintendents, the trend of positive cases in other school districts seem to be the consequences of students and staff participating in social activities without masks and without appropriate social distancing. I would like to caution everyone to be very careful as we all begin to increase our participation in seasonal activities.


    We can protect our students and staff members when they are at school by ensuring that all our mitigation strategies are being implemented and followed. It is becoming more and more evident that activities outside of school has an impact on our ability to safely keep schools open. We will continue working to protect all our students and staff as everyone begins to engage in more indoor activities outside of school as the weather changes.


    Our staff and the Bridgeport Health Department have been working together in every case to identify, reach out to, and monitor all close contacts to ensure that individuals who must isolate or quarantine do so as quickly as possible. The team has been doing a great job but we need everyone’s cooperation.


    We are reminding everyone to:

    • Wear a mask and maintain social distancing for all activities where you will be in contact with people outside of your household.
    • Students/Staff who have any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay home and notify their school as soon as possible.
    • Students/Staff who are waiting for COVID-19 test results must stay home.
    • When a member of the Health Department’s contact tracing team calls, please provide accurate and complete information. The more they know the better decisions we can all make.




    Michael J. Testani

    Superintendent of Schools