- Bridgeport Public Schools
- School Year 2020-2021
- (10/30/20) Memo from the Superintendent (Hybrid Schedule Update)
Communications from the Superintendent
Page Navigation
- School Year 2023-2024
School Year 2022-2023
- (5/5/2023) Notice from the Office of the Superintendent: Possible Threat to Student Safety
- (4/28/2023) Notice from the Office of the Superintendent: Threat to Student Safety
- (3/28/2023) Communication from the Superintendent, Nashville Covenant School Tragedy
- (2/22/2023) Community Forum: Budget Plan Feb. 23, 2023
- (1/25/2023) Community Forum: BHS/BMA, Feb. 2 2023
- (1/11/2023) Community Forum: BHS/BMA, Jan. 25 2023 [CANCELLATION]
- (11/22/2022) Board Vacancy Notification
School Year 2021-2022
- (7/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - ARP ESSER Community Forums
- (7/19/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - ARP ESSER
- (7/27/2021) ARP ESSER Community Forum PowerPoint Presentation
- (7/29/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/1/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/23/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/28/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (11/12/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/16/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/31/2021) COVID Updates from the CT Dept of Health
- (1/1/2022) Memo from the Superintendent (Happy New Year 2022)
- (1/4/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/5/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/13/2022) Affordable Connectivity Program
- (1/14/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/20/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (2/16/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/10/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/17/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/22/2022) Bridgeport Readiness Flyer
- (5/11/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (5/25/2022) NCTSN: Talking to Children about a Shooting
- (5/25/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (5/31/2022) Early Dismissal
- (6/14/2022) CSDE: Summer Fun!
- (6/21/2022) Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge 2022!
- (8/19/22) CSDE Safe Return to In-person Learning Plan
- (8/22/22) Memo from the Superintendent
- Webinars for Parents
School Year 2020-2021
- (7/17/20) BPS Re-Opening: Welcome Back Bridgeport
- (9/18/20) Memorandum to BPS Community
- (9/23/20) Elementary Rotation Protocol Grades K-8
- (10/02/20) Memo from the Superintendant
- (10/30/20) Memo from the Superintendent (Hybrid Schedule Update)
- (11/2/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: COVID-19 Update
- (11/12/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Important Update
- (12/9/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Important Update
- (12/18/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: New COVID Quarantine Guidance
- (12/23/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Holiday Message
- (1/7/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/26/2021) Press Release
- (1/29/2021) Black History Month Celebration
- (1/29/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/29/21) Connecting our Digital Learners
- (3/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/1/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/5/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/21/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/29/2021) FCC Broadband Information
- (4/30/2021) District Full Reopen Memo
- (5/14/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (6/18/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - End of School Year!
School Year 2019-2020
- (10/14/20) Memo for the Superintendent
- (3/17/20) Distance Learning
- (03/23/20) COVID-19 School Closure Update
- (03/27/20) Memo to Parents
- (5/1/2020) Letter from the Superintendent
- (06/02/20) BPS United! (Special Message from Supt and BBOE)
- (6/30/20) Message from the Superintendent regarding CT Re-opening Plan
October 30, 2020
Hello Bridgeport Public Schools Community,
The Bridgeport Public Schools priority since we have reopened our schools has been the health and safety of our students and staff. In the past few weeks, Bridgeport Public Schools have experienced a rising number of positive cases of COVID-19 which have caused school closures across the district.To date, our positive cases have been a result of the rapid surge in cases in the Bridgeport community. We evaluate each situation on a case by case basis to determine the need for building closure to allow for contact tracing and sanitizing. We have acted with an abundance of caution in every reported case of COVID-19, which has resulted in the closing of several schools over the last 7 days. Since even one positive case may require several staff members who may have been in close contact with the affected individual to quarantine for 14 days, we have faced significant challenges to properly staff our schools.
I have consulted with Lisa Morrissey, Director of the Bridgeport Department of Public Health, and it has been deemed best to transition to our hybrid model for all of the Bridgeport Public Schools sooner than we had anticipated. In the interest of the health and safety of our students and staff, as of November 9th, we will be operating on a hybrid schedule for K-8 schools. Pre-K students will be allowed to attend full time. We will operate on a half day schedule on Wednesdays to allow teachers time for preparation and professional development.
The hybrid schedule will be as follows:
- All students with the last name beginning in the letters A-L will attend Monday and Tuesday
- All students with the last name beginning in the letters M-Z will attend Thursday and Friday
- All students will be on remote learning on Wednesday
Students Last Nam A-L in School
M-Z Remote
Students Last Name A-L in School
M-Z Remote
All Student Groups Remote Learning with Teachers
Students Last Name M-Z in School
A-L Remote
Students Last Name M-Z in School
A-L Remote
Hybrid Schedule for students with an IEP/504
- All students with an IEP/504 may attend all 4 days
ALL Students
with IEP
ALL Students
with IEP
All Student Groups Remote Learning with Teachers
ALL Students
with IEP
ALL Students
with IEP
Hybrid Schedule for ESL/Bilingual students
- All students who receive ESL or Bilingual services may attend all 4 days
ALL ESL/Bilingual Students
ALL ESL/Bilingual Students
All Student Groups Remote Learning with Teachers
ALL ESL/Bilingual Students
ALL ESL/Bilingual Students
I understand this will pose challenges to many of our families, however, we must adjust as conditions change during this pandemic to continue to protect our students and staff members. Additionally, as the weather changes and the holiday season approaches, people will begin to gather indoors which can contribute to the spread of the coronavirus. Please be mindful that activities outside of school, such as holiday gatherings, do have an impact on our ability to keep everyone safe. We are asking for everyone to be diligent when planning indoor activities during the next several months, especially during the holiday season.We are reminding everyone to continue to be responsible and follow all health and safety safeguards. It is important to wear a mask and maintain social distancing for all activities where you will be in contact with people outside of your immediate household. This includes family and friends who you do not live with. Students/Staff who have any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay home and should notify their school as soon as possible. We want everyone who is showing symptoms or has been in close contact with someone who is sick to be tested before returning to school/work. Do not send students to school who have been exposed to a positive individual and are waiting for test results. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed of changes or additional information. We will return to a full in person schedule sometime after the holidays.
Michael J. Testani
Superintendent of Schools