- Bridgeport Public Schools
- School Year 2021-2022
- (10/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
Communications from the Superintendent
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- School Year 2023-2024
School Year 2022-2023
- (5/5/2023) Notice from the Office of the Superintendent: Possible Threat to Student Safety
- (4/28/2023) Notice from the Office of the Superintendent: Threat to Student Safety
- (3/28/2023) Communication from the Superintendent, Nashville Covenant School Tragedy
- (2/22/2023) Community Forum: Budget Plan Feb. 23, 2023
- (1/25/2023) Community Forum: BHS/BMA, Feb. 2 2023
- (1/11/2023) Community Forum: BHS/BMA, Jan. 25 2023 [CANCELLATION]
- (11/22/2022) Board Vacancy Notification
School Year 2021-2022
- (7/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - ARP ESSER Community Forums
- (7/19/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - ARP ESSER
- (7/27/2021) ARP ESSER Community Forum PowerPoint Presentation
- (7/29/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/1/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/23/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/28/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (11/12/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/16/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/31/2021) COVID Updates from the CT Dept of Health
- (1/1/2022) Memo from the Superintendent (Happy New Year 2022)
- (1/4/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/5/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/13/2022) Affordable Connectivity Program
- (1/14/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/20/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (2/16/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/10/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/17/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/22/2022) Bridgeport Readiness Flyer
- (5/11/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (5/25/2022) NCTSN: Talking to Children about a Shooting
- (5/25/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (5/31/2022) Early Dismissal
- (6/14/2022) CSDE: Summer Fun!
- (6/21/2022) Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge 2022!
- (8/19/22) CSDE Safe Return to In-person Learning Plan
- (8/22/22) Memo from the Superintendent
- Webinars for Parents
School Year 2020-2021
- (7/17/20) BPS Re-Opening: Welcome Back Bridgeport
- (9/18/20) Memorandum to BPS Community
- (9/23/20) Elementary Rotation Protocol Grades K-8
- (10/02/20) Memo from the Superintendant
- (10/30/20) Memo from the Superintendent (Hybrid Schedule Update)
- (11/2/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: COVID-19 Update
- (11/12/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Important Update
- (12/9/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Important Update
- (12/18/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: New COVID Quarantine Guidance
- (12/23/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Holiday Message
- (1/7/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/26/2021) Press Release
- (1/29/2021) Black History Month Celebration
- (1/29/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/29/21) Connecting our Digital Learners
- (3/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/1/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/5/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/21/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/29/2021) FCC Broadband Information
- (4/30/2021) District Full Reopen Memo
- (5/14/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (6/18/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - End of School Year!
School Year 2019-2020
- (10/14/20) Memo for the Superintendent
- (3/17/20) Distance Learning
- (03/23/20) COVID-19 School Closure Update
- (03/27/20) Memo to Parents
- (5/1/2020) Letter from the Superintendent
- (06/02/20) BPS United! (Special Message from Supt and BBOE)
- (6/30/20) Message from the Superintendent regarding CT Re-opening Plan
October 8, 2021
Hello Bridgeport Public Schools,
As we approach the six-week mark since the start of the 2021-2022 school year, we are gaining a better understanding of the social emotional impact the pandemic has had on our children. With so many of our students returning to in-person learning for the first time since March of 2020, it is important that we recognize the challenges that these youngsters face as they interact with their peers in a school setting for the first time in well over a year.
Some of our students are having an especially challenging time adjusting to the return to school. As a school community, we must work collectively to support our children as they cope with the emotional stress the pandemic has brought upon them. We have seen a sharp increase in inappropriate and overly aggressive and are focusing our efforts on providing support and resources to those students struggling socially and emotionally. I am asking for families to work in partnership with our schools as we support our children. I have included some strategies and resources so you can help your child navigate through their feelings and emotions.
Parents can:
- Connect with other parents who have children in the same school/program who can provide information and make them more comfortable with the school/program. School-based PAC/PTSO leaders are a useful resource for connecting with other parents. Information about the PAC/PTSO at your child's school can be found on your school's website or by calling the Main Office.
- Talk with teachers about ways they can support their child academically at home.
- Try to stay calm and reassuring during times when their child may exhibit strong feelings or emotions.
- Take care of themselves during stressful times so they can be better equipped to take care of others.
- Speak to school support staff to help find resources to learn how to promote resilience and reduce anxiety.
- Support your family's social emotional needs using Bridgeport Public Schools' K-8, video-based social emotional learning curriculum from Move This World. This online program helps students and families process and manage emotions; build healthy relationships; and communicate more effectively. Families can visit Social Emotional Learning Solutions for Schools & Families | Move This World for more information.
- Remember that this is a phase—building new relationships is a skill, and with support, children can be resilient. They will gain a new trusted relationship with their new teacher and feel more secure.
Parents with concerns can:
- Make sure their child has a daily, predictable routine, with regular times for healthy meals, naps, and night sleep at home. Having a rested body and knowing what to expect at home helps children cope.
- Monitor their child’s social media and technology usage. Contact the school if there are things that cause you concern.
- Talk to a healthcare professional if their child’s symptoms of anxiety or behavior problems are severe or persistent.
- Contact a mental healthcare professional for parent training and support so parents can help their child.
- For children with new concerns that persist, please contact the Student Success Team at for additional support with the school.
- For children with identified disabilities, ask the school to hold a PPT meeting to review their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
I assure you that as a school community, we work diligently to provide all students with the care and support they need to successfully navigate this incredibly stressful period in their lives. I cannot stress enough the importance of consistent communication between the school and home so we can effectively address the needs of our children.
I would like to thank you in advance for cooperation and continued support.
Michael J. Testani
Superintendent of Schools - Connect with other parents who have children in the same school/program who can provide information and make them more comfortable with the school/program. School-based PAC/PTSO leaders are a useful resource for connecting with other parents. Information about the PAC/PTSO at your child's school can be found on your school's website or by calling the Main Office.