- Bridgeport Public Schools
- School Year 2021-2022
- (8/22/22) Memo from the Superintendent
Communications from the Superintendent
Page Navigation
- School Year 2023-2024
School Year 2022-2023
- (5/5/2023) Notice from the Office of the Superintendent: Possible Threat to Student Safety
- (4/28/2023) Notice from the Office of the Superintendent: Threat to Student Safety
- (3/28/2023) Communication from the Superintendent, Nashville Covenant School Tragedy
- (2/22/2023) Community Forum: Budget Plan Feb. 23, 2023
- (1/25/2023) Community Forum: BHS/BMA, Feb. 2 2023
- (1/11/2023) Community Forum: BHS/BMA, Jan. 25 2023 [CANCELLATION]
- (11/22/2022) Board Vacancy Notification
School Year 2021-2022
- (7/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - ARP ESSER Community Forums
- (7/19/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - ARP ESSER
- (7/27/2021) ARP ESSER Community Forum PowerPoint Presentation
- (7/29/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/1/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/23/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (10/28/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (11/12/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/16/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (12/31/2021) COVID Updates from the CT Dept of Health
- (1/1/2022) Memo from the Superintendent (Happy New Year 2022)
- (1/4/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/5/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/13/2022) Affordable Connectivity Program
- (1/14/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/20/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (2/16/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/10/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/17/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (3/22/2022) Bridgeport Readiness Flyer
- (5/11/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (5/25/2022) NCTSN: Talking to Children about a Shooting
- (5/25/2022) Memo from the Superintendent
- (5/31/2022) Early Dismissal
- (6/14/2022) CSDE: Summer Fun!
- (6/21/2022) Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge 2022!
- (8/19/22) CSDE Safe Return to In-person Learning Plan
- (8/22/22) Memo from the Superintendent
- Webinars for Parents
School Year 2020-2021
- (7/17/20) BPS Re-Opening: Welcome Back Bridgeport
- (9/18/20) Memorandum to BPS Community
- (9/23/20) Elementary Rotation Protocol Grades K-8
- (10/02/20) Memo from the Superintendant
- (10/30/20) Memo from the Superintendent (Hybrid Schedule Update)
- (11/2/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: COVID-19 Update
- (11/12/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Important Update
- (12/9/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Important Update
- (12/18/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: New COVID Quarantine Guidance
- (12/23/2020) Memo from the Superintendent: Holiday Message
- (1/7/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/26/2021) Press Release
- (1/29/2021) Black History Month Celebration
- (1/29/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (1/29/21) Connecting our Digital Learners
- (3/8/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/1/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/5/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/9/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/21/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (4/29/2021) FCC Broadband Information
- (4/30/2021) District Full Reopen Memo
- (5/14/2021) Memo from the Superintendent
- (6/18/2021) Memo from the Superintendent - End of School Year!
School Year 2019-2020
- (10/14/20) Memo for the Superintendent
- (3/17/20) Distance Learning
- (03/23/20) COVID-19 School Closure Update
- (03/27/20) Memo to Parents
- (5/1/2020) Letter from the Superintendent
- (06/02/20) BPS United! (Special Message from Supt and BBOE)
- (6/30/20) Message from the Superintendent regarding CT Re-opening Plan
Bridgeport Public Schools COVID-19 Guidelines (Updated 8-22-2022)
In accordance with current DPH/CDC/CSDE guidance, the following guidelines will be put in place to maximize in-person learning while minimizing the spread of illness.
Bridgeport Public Schools will continue mitigation measures of increased ventilation, frequent hand hygiene, self-assessment of symptoms, mask option, encouraging respiratory etiquette, and maintaining the cleaning and sanitizing of classrooms, and common use spaces.
Students, Staff, and Families are encouraged to:
- Working in collaboration with the Bridgeport Public Health and SBHC’S vaccination clinics will be made available at various schools throughout the city.
- Individuals can also contact their primary care providers to obtain vaccinations. COVID-19 and FLU vaccine should both be considered.
- Those with mild symptoms such as infrequent cough, congestion, runny nose, and sore throat may continue to attend school. COVID-19 testing and masking until symptoms resolve are advised.
- Those with symptoms such as fever/chills, constant cough, fatigue, body aches, vomiting, and diarrhea are to stay home. Consult with their primary care providers, and get tested for COVID-19. If the test is negative individuals may return to school when symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
- The School Health Office is considered an area of higher risk for spread of illness. The School Health Nurses may require use of mask int the office based on his/her assessment of student symptoms.
If EXPOSED TO COVID-19 (close contact with a household case)
If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status- No quarantine is required, wear a mask for 10 days after last exposure, self-monitor for symptoms, and get tested on day 5 after last exposure. If the test is positive report the it to the School Health Nurse and ISOLATE.
- Information on how to obtain testing including how to receive a home test will be shared via email and Parent Square.
- INDIVIDUALS POSITIVE for COVID-19. (Regardless of vaccination status.)
- Any positive cases of COVID-19 should be reported to the School Health Nurse. The School Health Nurse will report daily to the Office of School Health all positive cases for State Reporting.
- The District Dashboard will no longer be utilized and there will be no school wide notifications unless the number of cases rise to the point where our guidelines must change.
- Positive individuals with or without symptoms MUST isolate for 5 days. Day zero is the date of a positive test or if symptom onset.
- On days 6-10 individuals MUST remain masked when around others. Individuals may resume usual activities if no fever and all other symptoms are stable or improving.
Bridgeport Public Schools will continue to monitor and update the COVID-19 guidelines based on the number of cases within our schools and community. Any outbreaks may result in individual classroom/grade level/school guideline changes.
Link to COVID-19 community levels. COVID-19 by County | CDC