• Bridgeport Public Schools

    January 4, 2022

    Hello Bridgeport Public School Families,

    The Connecticut Departments of Education and Public Health have distributed self-test kits to all schools in the state to help curb the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

    Kits are to be administered by parents/guardians to determine if your child is negative before returning to school. These tests are not to be used on adults/family members of the school-aged child.

    • iHealth Kits: To administer the test, please either refer to the instructions within the kit (instructions in multiple other languages are posted online).
    • FlowFlex Kits: To administer the test, refer to the instructions within the kit.

    If your child tests positive, it is essential that you report the positive test result to your school nurse. Children with negative test results who have no symptoms and no known exposure to COVID-19 should return to in-person learning.

    For additional information about self-tests, please refer to CDC guidance on Self-Testing.

    Thank you for your continued dedication to keeping your child, as well as Bridgeport residents, healthy and safe. 


    Michael J. Testani
    Superintendent of Schools