• Bridgeport Public Schools

    April 21, 2021

    Hello Bridgeport Public School Students and Families,

    Yesterday’s guilty verdict in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin serves as a first step in the healing process of the murder of George Floyd and the racism behind it. The verdict cannot bring back Mr. Floyd nor the other lives senselessly and unjustly lost in our communities all across America, especially communities of color. However, it does spark hope for us all that we can continue to grow as a nation and that justice and equity can be realized for all people. 

    Bridgeport Public Schools and the Bridgeport Board of Education is committed to ensuring that there is equity and racial justice for all the members of our diverse community.  We will do our part in teaching our students, staff and graduates to value the lives of everyone in our community. Bridgeport Public schools will continue to create safe spaces for students to learn as well as express their feelings and thoughts on issues affecting their communities. We take comfort in knowing that justice was served yesterday but we also recognize that we must continue to push forward against racism and inequality to ensure that our students can live in a society that values them and their diversity. We must create a culture where the contributions of all our students can be recognized. The Bridgeport Public Schools and the Bridgeport Board of education will continue to fight for racial justice and equality. We will make sure our schools are welcoming and nurturing environments for all our students.

    Michael J. Testani
    Superintendent of Schools