• Bridgeport Public Schools

    October 23, 2021

    Hello Bridgeport Public Schools,

    Since the start of the new school year, we have experienced an increase in the number of incidents of verbal and physical altercations between students as a result of social media interactions. I am asking for all families to support school staff in their efforts to help our students engage in positive social interactions. Our first priority is the health and safety of all our students and staff. Social media has become a tool for students to engage in cyber bullying and other threatening behavior. We will not take these incidents lightly. Students who engage in these activities will be disciplined accordingly.

    All families can be proactive by implementing some of the following strategies:

    1. Monitoring your child’s social media accounts.
    2. Follow or friend your child on all social media sites or have a trusted individual help.
    3. Re-set your child’s privacy and location settings.
    4. Know your child’s email and social media passwords.
    5. Stay up to date with all the latest social media platforms and digital terms used by teens.

    I thank you in advance for your assistance.


    Michael J. Testani
    Superintendent of Schools